Monday, January 25, 2016

Philippians at a Glance

We are jumping into Philippians this week and I couldn't be more excited. This is yet another dynamite epistle from the Apostle Paul loaded with plenty of deep truths and practical application.  It's known as the "Book of Joy" which I believe is suitable because you can't  read the book of Philippians without getting joyful. You get that pep in your step after spending some time studying it. It's not because it's full of fluffy, light-hearted sentiments but rather demonstrates the very real and raw joy that is available to us even in the midst of trial. Paul was in prison when he wrote this letter to the Philippians and without a doubt had his moments of weakness, fear and despair. BUT the sustaining force that allowed him to bear up under the pressure was the reality that he could do all things through Christ and therefore had a reason to always rejoice. 

My prayer for this week is that our hearts will echo some of the cries of Paul's heart and come to a place wherein we know in the depths of our souls that everything is loss and rubbish in comparison to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ. The more we know Jesus, the more joy we will possess.

Here is my personal study plan for the week:

Monday- Read book in its entirety from start to finish several times without making any markings/notes. Again, this is to get that aerial view and greater context.
Tuesday- Same as above
Wednesday- chapter 1 in depth (commentaries, journaling, marking etc.)
Thursday- chapter 2
Friday- chapter 3
Saturday- chapter 4
Sunday- read through from start to finish several times again, making final notes etc.

Join me on social media for periodic encouragement from the book this week.
Facebook: @thepreciousandthepleasant
Instagram: @brytnimcneil

Would love to hear about what God reveals to you this week!

Happy reading!

Bryt xoxo

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