Sunday, January 17, 2016

Ephesians at a Glance

This week we are jumping back into the New Testament studying the book of Ephesians!  It's a short book of only 6 chapters but each one is JAMMED PACKED with theological and doctrinal richness and practical daily application.  The book starts off exhorting the believer, informing us of our newfound position in Christ.  It's FULL of the inheritance that has been given to us as sons and daughters of God. We are told the sad truth of where we were prior to the cross but will find ourselves jumping through the roof as we read line after line of not just good news, but the GREATEST NEWS EVER TOLD! Then in chapter 4-6, the book then progresses into explaining what it looks like to now LIVE as a child of God.  We are told that "We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10)

Basically, a key theme is that our purpose flows from our position.  What we do is a result of who we are. We don't "work" to earn God's love, but rather, in Christ, we already have God's love and therefore we work. We move forward on the battlefield of life from a place of victory, not defeat.

My prayer this week for myself and for those participating is that we will gain a deeper understanding of who we are in Christ and everything that that implies.  I also pray that as we embrace the solidified and eternal identity that Christ has secured for us, we will walk in the good works he has already prepared from us out of love for Him and appreciation for all he has done.  May our lives become a living sacrifice of worship to the only worthy One!

With that being said, here is my personal reading/study timeline for the week:

Monday- Read through Ephesians from start to finish a few times refraining from highlighting/journaling etc. Like I've mentioned before, the reason I do this is so that I can grasp the greater context and get that aerial view before I start really diving into details.
Tuesday- Focus only on chapter 1, using commentaries, journaling/highlighting etc.
Wednesday- Chapter 2
Thursday- Chapter 3
Friday- Chapter 4
Saturday- Chapter 5
Sunday- Chapter 6

I'll be posting periodically throughout the week personal insights and encouragement on Facebook @thepreciousandthepleasant and on instagram @brytnimcneil ! Please feel free to join in on the conversation and share what the Lord is doing in your heart through the reading!

Happy reading!

Bryt xoxo

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