Monday, December 14, 2015

The Power of Believing God with Your Husband

To say that my and my husband's faith has been stretched over the last several months would be an understatement! We've had to really buckle down, stick together, pray together and trust God together. But several circumstances in our lives drove us to sheer desperation a few weeks ago. Without getting into too much personal detail, I will just say that we needed MIRACLES.  We needed God to come through in mighty and powerful ways.  After weeks of spending more time in prayer, receiving godly council and doing everything on our part to rectify the problems to no avail, we knew it was time to cry out even louder. We needed to bang on the door of heaven harder. We needed to press into new and unfamiliar realms and allow our faith to sail us out upon the waters, into the great unknown. So we started a fast.

To be honest, I hate fasting with a passion. It is by far my weakest spiritual discipline. So much so that I have trouble viewing fasting as a "pathway of grace" but rather see it as a "duty". When my husband approached me about doing it, I was less than thrilled but my inner being wanted so desperately to see God do the impossible, that I obliged. So we embarked upon a 10 day version of the Daniel fast. We were completely depleted from a physical, emotional and spiritual standpoint, but still had a small flame of faith, that by the power of the Holy Spirit, we were able to help fan in one another. We committed each day to more intentional and focused prayer and Bible study. As each day passed, we were living in the tension of steadily increasing faith and expectation along with the mounting pressure of deadlines. We both felt an unusual ability to hear from God clearly which was invigorating, exhilarating and frightening all at the same time, while still wrestling with the frustration of seemingly unanswered prayers. We were more real and raw with God and each other than we had been in some time. It's amazing how when you deprive your body of food to one degree or another, you realize just how "loud" it always is in your life.  Fasting turned the noise down enabling us to hear the still small voice of God.  We were two people invading heaven together...Two hearts holding on for one another when one of us felt like giving up... Two souls fighting to keep each other warm by the fire of our faith. Then, what our hearts had been anxiously anticipating for months, was answered in the span of less than 24 hours. We got a miracle! Heaven opened up and rained down. Of course the miracle was remarkable but more than anything, my husband and I tapped into a power source that we have failed to tap into more regularly as a married couple! I truly believe that the enemy of our souls shudders when a husband and a wife dare to believe God for the impossible. I believe he cringes when he sees us as a united force, bound by a holy covenant, standing on Jesus as our Rock. Don't allow the wind and the waves to blow you over, even if everything in your flesh literally, in every sense of the phrase, would rather be "gone with the wind" instead of braving the storm.

I don't know what you and your spouse may be believing Jesus for.  It could be healing in your marriage, a new baby, breakthrough in your finances, healing in your bodies, etc.  Or maybe you are simply in need of greater faith. Perhaps you and your husband have been in a season of doubt, unsure of who Jesus really is, what he has done and what he is calling you to.  I challenge you to believe! I'm convinced that there are few things on earth more lethal to the schemes of the enemy than a husband and a wife who boldly approach the Father, through the finished work of the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Remember that Jesus is FOR marriage. He is FOR unwavering faith. After all, he is the author and finisher of it. Our God specializes in the impossible! I dare you to believe God with your husband. I dare you to grab his hand and (respectfully) say, "Honey, we are going to approach the Throne together, even if we have to drag each other the whole way." Our King awaits us. Ready to listen, and resolved to manifest his satisfying presence wherein there is fullness of joy and pleasures forever more. He is ready to respond. Only believe. 


  1. Your writing - awesome. Even more awesome - the power I've seen God work through fasting (as I prepare for my next one, I'm excited about what He'll do!).

    I pray others are blessed by this!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement:). Yes fasting is powerful and I'm sure your next fast will validate that truth!
